Happy Holi Festival!


Happy Holi
The trees smile with their sprout
of tender leaves and blooming flowers,
Eternal nature with its transient expressions
Hails spring with ecstasy and joy!
Bewildering shades with so many tinge.
The land of beauty and greatness,
India, witnessing color of happiness and peace
Nation come alive to enjoy the spirit
A celebration of color- Holi!
An experience of content, harmony and delight

Holika burns amidst merriment and mirth.
Evil overpowered by love and devotion.
A festival to commemorate ‘Ras Lila’-
an enduring love saga of Radha and Krishna.

Gulal – red, green, yellow and countless
A day’s canvas – a riot of colors
Lively crowd running hither and thither,
Rainbow of colors, dashing from every nook and corner
Disregarding their woe and despair fervent folks,
rejoicing at the marvel of colors.
A day filled with luster and gaiety,
A day to smear our dreams-
With a splash of vibrant frenzy colors
Holi Hai! A spring of unbounded fun and frolic!!

holi festival photo

Is it worth having Social Media Profiles?

The way prospective customers interact with brands is changing. Increasingly, consumers are turning to social media to research potential purchases and express their thoughts and opinions about the industry. As a result, it’s more important than ever for businesses in the corporate space to have a strong presence on social media.

There are a number of ways businesses can use social media to boost their brand and connect with prospective customers. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how you can use social media to give your brand a boost. Stay tuned for our next blog post where we’ll discuss strategies for creating an effective social media marketing plan.

Why social media is important for brands

Social media has become an immensely powerful tool for brands to showcase and promote their services. Not only can they use tools like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach out to their existing customers as well as potential ones with informative content, but they can also leverage SEO strategies that are designed specifically for social media in order to ensure maximum visibility.

An SEO specialist is someone who specializes in the practice of search engine optimization (SEO). This person works to ensure that businesses’ websites are optimized for visibility in organic search engine results. They do this through a variety of techniques, such as optimizing page titles, headings and meta descriptions, creating content with relevant keywords and phrases, building backlinks and advising on social media strategies.

By taking advantage of these marketing tactics, brands within the industry can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and rise above their competitors by creating unforgettable online experiences.

What kind of content to post on social media

Knowing what kind of content to post on social media can be tricky if you’re in the industry. A great starting point is images. Whether it’s images of your cars and services, images from car shows and events you attend, or simply images that tie in with your brand messaging, they’re an easy way to engage customers with eye-catching visuals. Additionally, focus on posting content that adds value instead of direct promotions; think of it as following the 80/20 rule. Create posts about the latest industry news or cutting-edge technology for the majority (80%) of posts, then include mini promotions for your products or services in the remaining 20%. This helps provide a balance between useful content and direct sales messages.

How to engage with followers and customers

Engaging with your followers and customers on social media is essential for the industry. You should always let your audience know that you value them by responding to their comments, inquiries, and feedback in a timely manner. Keep the conversation light and friendly, but don’t be afraid to show your expertise. Share useful information about your products and services that can help to build trust with your audience. It is also important to make sure that you stay up-to-date with developments in the industry so that you can provide interesting content which will make people want to come back for more!

The benefits of social media for brands

Social media is a powerful tool for brands looking to build their brand presence and reach new customers. Engaging with customers via social media allows brands to build relationships, better understand their customer’s opinions, and deliver more targeted marketing strategies. Increased brand recognition and loyalty can be achieved through regular content sharing that is tailored to the needs of the audience. Additionally, engaging on social media gives brands the ability to respond quickly to customer inquiries and complaints, allowing them to provide superior customer service. Finally, harnessing the power of social media marketing allows brands to tap into new channels and increase potential leads. Social media offers countless opportunities for brands that utilize it strategically. Take a look at what a fire suppression equipment company in SA is doing on their socials, as an example.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help brands reach new customers, engage with current followers, and build a strong online presence. When used correctly, social media can be an invaluable asset for any business in most industries. Keep these tips in mind as you create your social media strategy and you’ll be on your way to success.

A brand example:

Go take a look at what the Equites real estate investment brand is doing on Facebook. They’re creating a space for their investors to learn about projects, stay up to date with the financials and reports and build a relationship.

Do you have any other social media tips for the industry? Share them with us in the contact form!

5 Ways to Keep Pests Out of Your Business This Summer

Summer is a fun time to get outside and also take pleasure in the weather condition, however it can also be a time when bugs start to invade your company. Insects, rats, and various other parasites can damage your residential property and create severe damage. That’s why it is essential to take actions to keep them out of your business this summer season. Right here are 5 means to pest-proof your service:

Seal up any type of fractures or holes in your structure’s exterior. This will assist to avoid pests from getting inside.
Keep your service clean as well as without food debris. Pests are brought in to food, so it’s important to maintain your workspace tidy.
Store food properly and in secured containers. This will stay clear of attracting starving pests.
Get rid of standing water. Standing water is a breeding ground for parasites, so it is essential to eliminate it.
Call an expert pest control business in Cape Town if you have a bug issue. They can aid to determine the resource of the problem as well as eliminate the parasites completely.

Common types of pests in South Africa:

Carpeting beetles
Garments moths
These are simply some of the ways you can keep parasites out of your business this summer season.

Bugs that are commonly found in South African kitchen areas:

Rats as well as computer mice
Applying even simply a few of these suggestions can go a long way in maintaining your company pest-free this summer season. If you have any type of issues concerning bugs, make certain to speak to expert bug control companies. They will do a proper fumigation with insect control products that will secure your service for a long period of time.

Pest control companies can additionally give you with normal bug prevention services to keep parasites away all year long. This is especially important if you stay in an area that is prone to pest problems. Secure your organization this summertime by taking steps to avoid insects from ending up being a plague.

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A Wood Overview For BBQ 

What are the timber types appropriate for making use of in your barbeque Cigarette smoker or on your grill. This is a concern that is constantly showing up. This guide may aid.

Below is a checklist that was assembled from numerous sources.

Acacia trees remain in the very same family members as mesquite. When melted in a smoker, acacia has a flavor similar to mesquite however not quite as heavy. Acacia is a really hot burning timber.

Alder is a favorite of the citizens in the Pacific Northwest to smoke salmon and halibut with. It gives off a delicate woody, smoke flavor with a tip of sweet taste. Fantastic with fish, pork, poultry, and also light-meat game birds.

Almond timber has a wonderful smokey taste, with light ash. Excellent with all meats.

Apple timber and also Crab Apple wood have a very light however subtle fruity taste and is somewhat wonderful. Great with chicken and pork. Excellent with bacon and ribs!!!!

Ash timber is a quick burner. It has a light however distinct taste. Great with fish as well as red meats.

Birch is a tool to hard wood with a flavor similar to maple. Great with pork and chicken.

Cherry tree timber is light and also fruity. Good with fowl, pork as well as beef. Some individuals claim the cherry wood is the most effective timber for cigarette smoking.

Citrus trees, like lemon as well as orange produce a good mild smoky flavor. Superb with beef, pork, fish and also fowl.

Cottonwood trees are a softer timber than alder and have an extremely refined taste. You may want to include some other more powerful taste of timber when using Cottonwood.

Drupe wood, or various other fruit tree timber, the flavor is mild as well as wonderful. Peaches and nectarines are excellent smoke for the majority of lighter meats like pork, chicken and also fish.

Grapevines can be made use of for smoking cigarettes. They have a tendency to produce a tart taste yet the creeping plants give a lot of rich and fruity smoke. Good with fowl, red meats, game as well as lamb.

Hickory is possibly the most generally made use of timber for cigarette smoking. It has a wonderful to solid, heavy smokey bacon type flavor. Excellent with pork, pork fowl, fish, and also beef.

Lavender timber, if you can find it has a very light, subtle flavor with a flowery tip. Excellent with fish and shellfish and also lamb.

Maple wood creates a smoky, smooth and also a little sweet taste. Great with pork, poultry, cheese, as well as tiny game birds.

Mesquite has a strong natural taste. It is terrific timber for cigarette smoking beef, fish, chicken, and video game. Mesquite is just one of the most popular burning timbers. Some people insist that excessive mesquite smoke can be a bad point. I have actually listened to that cigarette smoking with mesquite for too lengthy can create a bitter flavor.

Mulberry timber has a refined yet wonderful taste to it’s smoke.

Oak trees create a very smokey flavor. There are many different kinds of oak. All benefit smoke. Excellent with red meat, pork, fish as well as hefty video game.

Pear trees give a good subtle smokey taste. Really similar to mulberry or apple. Exceptional with poultry and pork.

Pecan wood has a sweet and mild flavor similar to hickory. Pecan is an excellent wood to smoke with if it can be located. Great with poultry, beef, pork as well as cheese.

Walnut has a very hefty smoke flavor. You may wish to blend it with some lighter or fruity wood so as not to get a bitter taste. Good with red meats and video game.

Other web resources report that wood from the adhering to trees is additionally appropriate for smoking. Trees like Avocado, Beech, Butternut, Carrotwood, Chestnut, Fig, Persimmon, and also Olive. Most fruit and nut woods are wonderful for smoking meat.

Never make use of any kind of timber from conifer or evergreen trees. Just steer clear of from high material generating woods like ache. Not just can they be dangerous, they can make your food bitter also. Yes, I understand that cedar slabs are prominent for cooking salmon on, however I don’t know anybody who sheds cedar as a smoke wood. I have actually likewise listened to that elm, eucalyptus, sassafras, as well as sycamore can generate a bad taste too.

Don’t ever utilize lumber scraps. Some lumber is treated with chemicals, which are harmful.

Never ever make use of timber that has actually been repainted. Paint can be toxic too.

Where do you obtain some of these fancier timbers to smoke your food with?

If you have the best kind of trees in your yard or neighborhood, go on as well as pick up stumps and sticks. Make sure that you know what sort of wood that you are grabbing though. If you have branches fall from trees, see to it they are not musty. You must never make use of timber that is musty.

There are some sources on the internet where wood portions, chips, pellets, even smoker bags are available, however not for all types of wood. Things like lavender as well as grapevines are things that you are going to require to discover in your very own neighborhood.

A local firewood business might have the ability to hook you up. I made use of to benefit a fire wood company that whenever we had fruit wood, mainly cherry or apple, it went right to a neighborhood restaurant that only cooked with fruit woods. I likewise have a good friend that possesses a wood terminated pizza area. He has an account with a fire wood business. They bring him only hardwoods.

You can generally discover some woods where you can acquire your smokers and also grills. My neighborhood equipment store markets piece as well as chip hickory as well as mesquite.

You can constantly volunteer to take down a next-door neighbors trees. Once again, just make certain you understand what sort of trees you are obtaining.
Alternatively, you can get South African braai wood in the UK by clicking this link.

Utilizing eco-friendly timber is not constantly more suitable. Great seasoned timber is constantly much better.

Saturating or otherwise saturating your timber chips or chunks is an on going debate. That is up to you. I have actually listened to disagreements for both means, so I ‘d state it is your choice. I have seen wine infused smoking wood. Sounds fascinating, however I do not assume I want to waste my very own red wine to do this. 

Be Familiar With Automated Forex Systems And Improve Your Bottom Line

Automated Forex systems (a.k.an expert consultants) are the trick to making the most out of foreign trading currency markets.

Forex Trading: Opportunities Lost and Gained

Forex trading (the trading of one currency versus another to benefit from altering currency worths) never ever sleeps. With simply actually little exceptions on the weekend, Forex trading is constant in a long period of time zone, in some nations of the world. There is no opening or closing bell on the Forex market.

Naturally, the Forex market is structured in such a way that welcomes investing missteps and missed opportunities. Thinking about that markets are opening and closing continuously, modifications to the market are taking place continually, and unless you are an individual that never ever, ever sleeps or eats, the capacity for you to lose (or worse, lose) is ever-present.

The only technique to even the playing field in your favor is to make usage of an automatic Forex trading system to do your work for you. In reality, these systems are the extremely tools the pros make use of so that they never lose out on a currency trading beat.

Forex Automated Trading Systems Discussed

Automated Forex trading systems are used to acquire and use on the Forex markets at any time of the day; that recommends that you can still take enjoyment in optimum Forex trading and get on with the rest of your life.

Automated Forex systems (specialist consultants) work according to your trading instructions. By yourself, or with the support of a trading coach, you set the specifications of your Forex trading program and advise the system to move appropriately. The guidelines that you utilize to set your system, your trading directions are signals to accurate points of entry and exit into markets.

A range of requirements can be set within your automated Forex trading system. You can define cost patterns, market patterns (such as fading or counter patterns, following patterns, or breakout patterns), rate points, averages, technical signs, expense level proximity and such as your guidelines for trading. The system will then use the requirements to produce an algorithm that will work right away in your area– whenever of the day or night, any day of the year in any market the world over.

Boost Forex Trading With Automated Forex Trading Systems

By now, no doubt you have actually seen a style; automated Forex Trading Systems manage your currency trading portfolio all the time. This is the most necessary benefit of Forex trading with automated Forex trading systems, and the best factor to make use of one.

Nevertheless, the benefits of automated Forex trading systems are not restricted to their “constantly on” abilities. Automated Forex systems also take a great deal of the human component– that part that is so oft accountable for lapses in heat-of-the-moment judgments, out of the trading formula.

Automated Forex systems enable you to totally evaluate your own trading style ahead of time and design the system that works the absolute best for you. You can customize your trading to your own risk tolerance levels, which are inputted into your system. In so doing, the duty for making pressured choices on-the-spot in an ever altering market is eliminated.

It would be extremely beneficial if you comprehended Quick Forex Selling Currency Explained.

Automated Forex systems take the tension and feeling out of currency trading choices. Unpredictability and area for analysis are gotten rid of; worry and greed are gotten rid of; trustworthy, foreseeable improvement is what stays; in the end, all you see is the outcomes.

To sum it up, automated Forex trading systems take the least helpful elements of the human side of trading out of the treatment, and modifies it with trustworthy, precise currency trading standard. In a currency market that is constantly progressing, the only method to make the most of results is to let this modern-day development work for you.

Automated Forex systems (professional consultants) work according to your trading instructions. By yourself, or with the help of a trading mentor, you set the specs of your Forex trading program and recommend the system to move properly. A range of requirements can be set within your automated Forex trading system. By now, no doubt you have really discovered a style; automated Forex Trading Systems handle your currency trading portfolio all the time. Automated Forex systems permit you to completely analyze your own trading style ahead of time and style the system that works the finest for you.

10 Ways To Identify If Your Moving Company Is Right For You

Bear in mind the following: movers should have an excellent track record, an extensive network, and be licensed and insured. In addition, they need to be professional, polite, understand your requirements and proffer the ideal advice.

If you manage to find the ideal mover then half the battle is won. Among the greatest challenges of moving from one city to another, to the countryside, or abroad is finding an effective and truthful mover.

Here are a few factors to consider to put you on the right track:

1. Fulfill the mover and learn the length of time they have been in business and whether they can provide you a few referrals.

2. Inspect the references. Call his clients to examine the services the mover offered and whether there were any issues.

3. Do an online search to identify whether there are any cautions or grievances against the mover.

4. Consult the regional chamber of commerce or bank to identify the moving business’s service standing.

5. Inspect if the mover’s license and insurance are current. Guarantee they have workman’s settlement and other advantages in place.

6. Identify whether the mover deals with the work himself or appoints it to a sub representative or associate.

7. The mover needs to have a broad network with workplaces in the place you are transferring to.

8. A respectable mover will be a member of AMSA, the American Moving and Storage Association. As an expert he will have committed to following a market Standard procedure and will use quality service.

9. The ideal mover will not give you an estimate off the top of his head. He will firmly insist to making a preliminary assessment, listing challenge be moved, and ask you to answer a number of questions. Based upon which he will prepare an estimate and highlight variables.

10. He will be open minded and explain plainly what you can anticipate and what you can not. He will inform you all about insurance, the actual moving process, transit storage, assurances and so on.

perfect moving company will value your organisation and describe his responsibilities plainly.

When you know you need to move assign adequate time to finding the right mover. Ask appropriate concerns like will my stuff reach its location as promised, will the material move as one load or as part of other things, a bigger load. What type of training do your workers get? Are the employees experienced in packing antiques and other prized possessions? Do I require extra insurance coverage apart from the one offered by you?

Be prudent and weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully. Never let cost determine your choice. Sometimes by cutting corners to save a couple of pennies you may loose thousands in damaged products or lost goods.

Storing a Car for Winter

Here at EeziSpace we are asked to store vehicles, from time to time. From long overseas trips to sentimental collectables, whatever the reason is, it is a great idea to prep your car before it goes into storage.


Preparing your vehicle for storage is certainly not complicated. It does require some attention to detail and a faithfulness to common practices. First, you should decide where the vehicle will be stored, indoors or outdoors. Indoors is the preferred method and will go a long way in safeguarding the vehicle, though outdoor storage can work well too.


The trick to proper storage is prep work. We’ll discuss cleaning, battery storage, engine bay prep, rust prevention, keeping the critters out, tires, car covers, and vehicle wake-up.




First you should wash and polish the car thoroughly. Ensure you remove all dirt from the chassis and wheel wells because dirt can hold humidity. Thoroughly clean your inside and boot. Use a powerful vacuum with attachments to remove food, long lost sweeties, and dirt from all the nooks and crannies. Allow the vehicle to air-dry thoroughly.


Battery Storage


You need to disconnect your battery cables starting with the ground cable (usually the black one). Thoroughly clean the battery, both on the top and sides. Place the battery on a block of wood or on top of a thick piece of polystyrene. Connect a batter-keeper or float charger to the battery to maintain its charge during storage. Place it where it will be out of the way. Don’t create a trip hazard.


Engine Bay Prep


Remove each spark plug and spray some oil into each cylinder. You can use regular oil with a spray-type squirt can. Turn the crankshaft pulley using a wrench or ratchet-socket combination a few times to circulate the oil that was sprayed into each cylinder. This process will keep moisture out of the cylinders. Reinstall your spark plugs and reconnect the spark plug wires.


Since brake fluid absorbs moisture, replace your brake fluid if it is more than 2 years old. If you don’t, it could wear away the insides of your brake lines. Also, check the condition of your engine coolant. You can check it with a hydrometer. If the freeze point is not correct, change the coolant.


Rust Protection


Some of the key things that you can do to extend the life of your vehicle’s body is rust prevention. Rust has been referred to as automotive cancer. It will gnaw at your investment. You need to keep moisture away. To keep moisture away from your chassis, you should create a moisture or vapor barrier. A moisture barrier is recommended whether you’re storing the vehicle indoors or outdoors.


If storing indoors place heavy duty plastic sheeting on top of the cement. Place strips of plywood measuring 1 1/2 ft wide on top of the plastic and drive the vehicle up on them length-wise as if you were making a driving path. If storing outdoors, use full sheets of plywood placed on top of heavy duty plastic sheeting.


Also, lubricate your bonnet latch, boot latch, and all door hinges to keep moisture away.


Keeping the Critters Out


It is important to ward off the efforts of rodents and other pests that may up residence inside your ride. They love to create nests inside “cozy” areas. They also love to chew on spark plug wires as well as other wires.


Place mothballs underneath the vehicle. Put more mothballs inside the passenger cabin by placing them on sheets of aluminum foil. Stuff heavy rags inside your tailpipe, engine air intake, and fresh air intake located at the bottom of the windshield. You may need to use aluminum foil if you have rodents in your area that would love to use your rags as nesting material.




If the vehicle will be stored for more than six months, you need address tire flat-spots. Just place the vehicle on jack stands that are in the lowest position. Just enough to raise the tyres off the floor. If storing outdoors, use plywood squares under the jack stands to prevent sinking.


Car Covers


When it comes to covers, you have lots of choices. Spend as much as you can afford because you’ll find that the higher the price, the better the protection and quality of the fit. Use a cover that is designed to fit your vehicle snuggly. This will help keep the elements out. If you live in a particularly sunny area, make sure your cover provides UV protection.


Vehicle Wake-Up


After a long storage you need to do a few things to get your ride ready to drive again. Remove the cover and remove the rags that were stuffed into various places. Remove all the mothballs from underneath the vehicle and inside the passenger cabin. Refit and re-install your battery. Sand off most of the rust that has accumulated on your brake rotors with some 100-120 grit sand paper using a rubber sanding block. Change your engine oil and filter. That’s it!


Properly preparing your vehicle for winter storage or just long-term storage will help preserve your investment and ensure many years of driving enjoyment. It will also allow you to get back behind the wheel sooner after a bit of winter cabin fever!